Step Ahead Nipple Cream and range

How Nipple Cream and Nipple Balm Helped My Cracked, Painful and Sore Nipples

How Nipple Cream and Nipple Balm Helped My Cracked, Painful and Sore Nipples

Breastfeeding can be a challenge, it comes easier to some than others. Some new mums give up on breast feeding before they would like to for a variety of reasons. Sore nipples is a common complaint, it can occur in the early days of breastfeeding but also later on during your experience.

Sore nipples can occur for a variety of reasons, one of the most common reasons is the latch from baby; the latch can sometimes be too low, with baby attempting to feed with only the end of the nipple rather than the areola itself. Sometimes the angle can play a factor too, getting the positioning right is the most important step as many times this can make the biggest difference in your breastfeeding journey rather than the experience being uncomfortable and painful which may stop you from managing to breastfeed when you may want to. The NHS website also has some great advice on breast feeding and a video explain the latch too.

Although my latch was correct, I was still getting soreness. I wanted to continue with breastfeeding so I tried a few home remedies, but nothing seemed to provide relief. A friend recommended Step Ahead Nipple Cream and Step Ahead Nipple Balm and I decided to give them a try, and I’m so glad I did!

Immediate Relief with by using the Nipple Cream

The first time I applied Step Ahead Nipple Cream, I noticed an immediate soothing effect. The cream is rich and smooth, providing a protective barrier over the cracked areas. It contains natural ingredients like coconut oil and shea butter, which are known for their moisturizing and healing properties. These ingredients helped to reduce the dryness and irritation that was causing so much discomfort.

I started using the cream after every feeding. It’s easy to apply and doesn’t leave a sticky residue, which is a huge plus. Within a few days, I noticed a significant reduction in the cracks and pain.

Long-lasting Protection with Step Ahead Nipple Balm

To complement the cream, I began using Step Ahead Nipple Balm. The balm is thicker and provides long-lasting protection, especially during the night. I applied it before bed, and it stayed put even when my clothing rubbed against it. This continuous protection was key in helping my nipples heal completely.

The balm also contains nourishing ingredients like jojoba oil and vitamin E, which further aid in skin repair and keep the area soft and supple. I found that using the balm alongside the cream created a perfect routine for managing and healing cracked nipples.

A Smooth Breastfeeding Journey

Thankfully after using the Nipple Cream and Balm, my breastfeeding experience has become much more comfortable. My nipples are no longer cracked and sore, and I can focus on enjoying these precious moments with my baby. If you're a new mom struggling with the same issue, I highly recommend giving these products a try. They’ve made a world of difference for me, and I hope they do the same for you!